Four years ago, we moved from our townhouse into a single-family home. Once we were settled, we had friends over from our old neighborhood and we received many lovely housewarming gifts, including this sign:

Our friends chose perfectly! My husband and I are avid coffee drinkers – nothing happens in our household without a cup of coffee first thing each morning. And, along with our coffee addiction, we have a Disney coffee mug addiction as well. We treat each other to new mugs for birthdays and holidays, and are always on the lookout for the best souvenir mug during our trips to the Disney parks. We’ve also accumulated quite an assortment of refillable travel mugs from each of our stays at the Walt Disney World Resort. At our townhouse we had minimal kitchen space so our prized Disney collection lived in cramped quarters in the same cupboards as our everyday mugs. But at our new house space was no longer an issue, so I could create an area entirely devoted to them. The idea of a coffee bar soon began to take shape, where I could display our friends’ thoughtful gift and our Disney mugs.
I did some research on Pinterest for inspiration and combined some of my favorite concepts to create our Disney inspired coffee station. Right from the start I knew I loved the look of floating shelves placed above a buffet cabinet. After shopping around for a bit, it was Target for the win for both! I put our Keurig Coffee Maker and K-Cup carousel on the cabinet, and placed the coffee sign on the top floating shelf. And then it was a matter of arranging the true stars of the coffee bar, our beloved mugs! I added a few souvenirs from our travels to the Disney parks to dress things up a bit, along with one of my favorite photos of the kids on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad – and our coffee corner was complete. Well, for now! I can say for certain that we will never have enough Disney mugs, so we will continue to add those. And I am also currently on the lookout for a Disney creamer and sugar set!