My kids have recently developed a passion for trivia. They always seem to be on a quest to learn new fun facts, in any way, shape, or form they can obtain them. I’ve lost count of the number of times they have checked out (and renewed) the National Geographic collection of Weird But True books from the library, and they’ve also discovered a variety of trivia games to play on our Alexa. It didn’t come as a surprise, then, when they asked me for a Jeopardy-style countdown for our latest Disney vacation so that they could test their Disney knowledge. Gearing up for a Disney vacation with a little friendly competition, and a bit of learning on the side? How could I say no?!
Deciding on categories to be featured in our game was the easiest part of making this countdown. I chose Disney characters, sights and sounds in the parks, Disney movies, Disney foods, and park attractions as the categories. Planning questions for each category, however, was more challenging. There is SO MUCH fascinating information I could use to create trivia questions, but I could only choose five for each topic. (But that is exciting in and of itself because with so many leftover questions and so many paths left unexplored, I can easily put together another Jeopardy game for the kids in the future!) Since the game was meant to count down to a Disney vacation, I opted for most of the questions to tie back into the Disney parks, with movie and character trivia thrown in for good measure. And to spice things up a bit, I devised a bonus round of extra credit questions to be hidden behind one question in each category.
So, without further ado, here are the trivia questions I challenged my kids to – one per day, for each of the last 25 days leading up to our vacation:

I am happy to report that our Disney Parks Jeopardy was a success! There were a handful of questions that proved to be quite tricky for the kids, but they still had a really great time from start to finish. If you’d like to try this game at home with family and friends, just click on the link below for all of the questions and answers. Have fun!